白日梦想家 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) 字幕

白日梦想家 2013

发布时间:2016-07-04 来源:本站编辑
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
发梦王大历险(港) / 白日梦冒险王(台) / 奇幻冒险家 / 梦里乾坤 / 沃尔特·米蒂的秘密生活 / 白日密语
英语 / 西班牙语 / 冰岛语
美国 / 英国
沃特.密提(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 饰)是一名在《生活》杂志工作了16年的胶片洗印经理,他性格内向,甚至无法跟心仪的同事谢莉尔(克里斯汀·韦格 Kristen Wiig 饰)开口搭讪,面对生活他像个旁观者,时常“放空”做白日英雄

白日梦想家的剧情介绍,沃特.密提(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 饰)是一名在《生活》杂志工作了16年的胶片洗印经理,他性格内向,甚至无法跟心仪的同事谢莉尔(克里斯汀·韦格 Kristen Wiig 饰)开口搭讪,面对生活他像个旁观者,时常“放空”做白日英雄梦。直到有一天公司被并购,杂志需要做最后一期的封面,而封面成功与否的关键是找到狂野摄影师尚恩(西恩·潘 Sean Penn)的一卷胶片,沃特终于开口搭讪谢莉尔,并在她和母亲(雪莉·麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 饰)的鼓励下踏上真正的冒险之旅,冰原、大海、喜马拉雅山……沃特的白日梦远不及现实壮丽。

The manager of the negative assets sector of Life magazine, Walter Mitty, has been working for sixteen years for the magazine and has a tedious life, not going anywhere but from his home to his job and vice-versa. He is an escapist, daydreaming into a world of fantasy many times a day. Walter has a crush on the recently hired Cheryl Melhoff but he is too shy to invite her on a date and he is trying to contact her via online dating. The magazine is preparing to release its last printed edition and the loathsome manager of transition Ted Hendricks is preparing an inevitable downsizing over the next few days. Walter has been the liaison between the magazine and the mysterious independent photographer Sean O'Connell who has sent to him a package of negatives and a wallet as a gift for his work. Sean also suggests to the senior management the use of negative 25 for the cover of the last edition. However, Walter cannot find the negative that is missing. Walter has no means to contact Sean and finds a clue that he might be in Greenland. He decides to travel to Greenland to track Sean down in the beginning of an unbelievable adventure.

给重度意淫患者的一剂兴奋。"To see the world, to draw closer, to find each other" +OST。就享受现在的生活。Life。不觉得多鸡汤,却实在被肯定。。Beautiful thing never ask attention。被相机打扰。生命和大脑。你是否也曾有那么恍惚一刻做着虚幻的白日梦想?。迟来的成人礼-二是因为缺爱。

  • 白日梦想家 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)
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喜剧片中将大自然风景拍得最美的、风景片中拍得最富喜剧感的、会拍风景的喜剧片中配乐最燃最激昂的、风景好配乐佳的喜剧片中预告片剪得最热血沸腾的。自导自演的本·斯蒂勒交出了一份令人满意的答卷,用标志性的冷面滑稽演绎了一部献给所有有过白日梦的观众的心灵鸡汤。Stop Dreaming & Start Living
