印度往事 Lagaan:Once.Upon.a.Time.in.India.2001.1080p.WEB.x265.HEVC.10bit.AAC.5.1.Hindi.Natty.rar 字幕

印度往事 2001

发布时间:2022-12-07 来源:本站编辑
Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India
拉嘎安 / 荣耀之役(台) / 逐鹿人生 / 地税风云
阿素托史·哥瓦力克 Ashutosh Gowariker
阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan/格蕾丝·辛 Gracy Singh/蕾切尔·雪莉 Rachel Shelley
北印度语 / 英语 / 阿瓦德语 / 乌尔都语
故事发生在1893年,英国军队入侵印度,驻扎在一个干旱连连的小村庄里。除了要面对尴尬的收成和糟糕的气候,村民们还得应付沉重的苛捐杂税,一时间生活苦不堪言。 <br />

印度往事的剧情介绍,故事发生在1893年,英国军队入侵印度,驻扎在一个干旱连连的小村庄里。除了要面对尴尬的收成和糟糕的气候,村民们还得应付沉重的苛捐杂税,一时间生活苦不堪言。 <br />   罗素(保罗·布莱克索恩 Paul Blackthorne 饰)是英国军队的统领,某日,他找到了村里的青年拉凡(阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan 饰),提出了要同他比赛的要求。罗素承诺拉凡,如果拉凡的球队能够赢得比赛,那么他将在村庄中实行为期三年的免税政策,但是,如果拉凡没能够获胜,那么村民们缴纳的税款就会增加三倍。热血沸腾的拉凡接受了罗素的挑战,然而却遭到了村民们的强烈反对,没有人愿意加入他的球队。这时,罗素的妹妹伊莉莎白(蕾切尔·雪莉 Rachel Shelley 饰)看不惯哥哥恃强凌弱,加入了拉凡一方,教他们打球,获得了强力助攻的拉凡队能否获得最终的胜利呢?

This is the story about the resilience shown by the Indians when they were under the British Rule. They are already taxed to the bone by the British and their cronies, but when Jack Russell announces that he will double the Lagaan (tax) from all villagers, they decide to oppose it. Leading the villagers is a handsome young man named Bhuvan, who challenges them to a game of cricket, a game that is to be played by veteran British cricket players, versus villagers, including Bhuvan himself, who have never played this game before, and do not even know a bat from a piece of wood. As the challenge is accepted, the interest grows and attracts Indians from all over the region, as well as the British from all over the country - as everyone gathers to see the 'fair play' that the British will display against their counter-parts, who are aided by none other than the sister, Elizabeth, of Captain Rusell.

这片子很象京都球侠。民族的自信。爱国无上。阿米尔汗炼成史上的一笔。【观《印度往事》】。来看阿米尔汗的 哈。哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗。埃米尔汗《印度往事》感悟。南亚次大陆的故事。脚下的阵地。

  • 印度往事 Lagaan:Once.Upon.a.Time.in.India.2001.1080p.WEB.x265.HEVC.10bit.AAC.5.1.Hindi.Natty.rar
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