末代独裁 The Last King of Scotland (2006) 中英文特效 合成花絮 附赠国语音轨下载 字幕

末代独裁 2006

发布时间:2022-09-29 来源:本站编辑
The Last King of Scotland
最后的苏格兰王 / 苏格兰最后的国王
Kevin MacDonald
Forest Whitaker/James McAvoy/Kerry Washington/Gillian Anderson/Simon McBurney
2006-09-01(特柳赖德电影节) / 2007-01-12(英国)
英语 / 法语 / 德语 / 斯瓦希里语
英国 / 德国
二十世纪七十年代,年轻的苏格兰医生尼古拉斯•哥瑞肯(James McAvoy 詹姆斯•麦艾维 饰)踌躇满志,怀着为穷苦人民救死扶伤的伟大理想来到了贫困的乌干达。在此他结识了医学会的白人同事,美丽的莎拉(Gillian Anderson 吉莉

末代独裁的剧情介绍,二十世纪七十年代,年轻的苏格兰医生尼古拉斯•哥瑞肯(James McAvoy 詹姆斯•麦艾维 饰)踌躇满志,怀着为穷苦人民救死扶伤的伟大理想来到了贫困的乌干达。在此他结识了医学会的白人同事,美丽的莎拉(Gillian Anderson 吉莉•安德森 饰),深深为之所吸引 。 <br />   某次集会上,尼古拉斯得以见到乌干达总统安迪•阿明(Forest Whitaker 福里斯特•惠特克 饰),阿明的言论使尼古拉斯甚为着迷,甚至狂热崇拜。集会之后,他救助了因事故受伤的阿明,并因其苏格兰人身份受到赏识。之后更以总统御用医生的身份走近这位残暴君主…… <br />   影片改编自Giles Foden的同名小说,男主角福里斯特•惠特克凭借此片获得第79届奥斯卡奖最佳男主角奖。

In the early 1970s, Nicholas Garrigan, a young semi-idealistic Scottish doctor, comes to Uganda to assist in a rural hospital. Once there, he soon meets up with the new President, Idi Amin, who promises a golden age for the African nation. Garrigan hits it off immediately with the rabid Scotland fan, who soon offers him a senior position in the national health department and becomes one of Amin's closest advisers. However as the years pass, Garrigan cannot help but notice Amin's increasingly erratic behavior that grows beyond a legitimate fear of assassination into a murderous insanity that is driving Uganda into bloody ruin. Realizing his dire situation with the lunatic leader unwilling to let him go home, Garrigan must make some crucial decisions that could mean his death if the despot finds out.

阿明小传。医疗问题及作为援非人员的一些想法。关于演技,关于独裁。让一个军士长去当独裁者多么可怕。一部名人传记式的电影。从“渣男”小医生的角度。詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊James McAvoy-魅力是怎样练成的。只是一场私人恩怨。替那个乌干达医生不值。the last king , the real king。

  • 末代独裁 The Last King of Scotland (2006) 中英文特效 合成花絮 附赠国语音轨下载
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