粉红色杀人夜/替身/Body Double (1984) 字幕

粉红色杀人夜 1984

发布时间:2022-09-05 来源:本站编辑
Body Double
布莱恩·德·帕尔玛 Brian De Palma
梅兰尼·格里菲斯 Melanie Griffith/格雷格·亨利 Gregg Henry/克雷格·沃森 Craig Wasson/黛伯拉·谢尔顿 Deborah Shelton
杰克(格雷格·亨利 Gregg Henry 饰)是一个名不见经传的小演员,最近,他的运气有些糟糕,不仅撞见女友另寻新欢的场面,还不得不搬离了原来的房子,流落在街头。一次偶然中,杰克遇见了名为弗兰克(Russ Marin 饰)的男子,巧合的是

粉红色杀人夜的剧情介绍,杰克(格雷格·亨利 Gregg Henry 饰)是一个名不见经传的小演员,最近,他的运气有些糟糕,不仅撞见女友另寻新欢的场面,还不得不搬离了原来的房子,流落在街头。一次偶然中,杰克遇见了名为弗兰克(Russ Marin 饰)的男子,巧合的是,弗兰克正在寻找一个可靠的朋友帮他看家。 <br />   就这样,杰克搬进了弗兰克的屋子里,在这里,他发现了弗兰克的邻居,一位性感妖娆的美女,每日都在窗前搔首弄姿。尽管觉得不妥,但杰克无法克制自己不去看她,就这样,杰克渐渐地迷失在了偷窥的快感中。某日,杰克偷窥到了一起凶杀案,无法报警又不甘心坐视不管的他决定靠自己的力量追查凶手的下落。

Jake Scully comes home to find his girlfriend with another man and has to find a new place. In between his acting workshops and his job in a vampire B-movie, he scans the paper looking for anything. He happens to meet Sam Bouchard, a fellow actor who needs a house sitter. Both are pleased with the arrangement that will have Jake staying in the house and for a sweetener, Sam shows him his favorite neighbor, a well-built woman who strips with her window open each night. Jake becomes obsessed with meeting her and is able to help recover her purse from a thief, but shows his own phobia, he is incapacitated by claustrophobia when the thief runs through a tunnel. When Jake witnesses a murder, he finds out that the police love to pin crimes on peeping Toms. Jake discovers that here are just too many coincidences but must hunt them down himself without the police.

标准的德-帕尔玛向希区柯克致敬的电影。希区柯克变奏曲 2.0 | De Palma。仍然是德帕尔马的迷影情结之作。观影笔记。穷小子色迷心窍,美少妇惨遭杀害,抽丝剥茧,竟是别有天地。风格第一。悬疑大师布莱恩·德·帕尔玛的早期小众作品。关于结局。[Film Review] Body Double (1984) 6.2/10。粉红杀人夜,情欲意迷离。

  • 粉红色杀人夜/替身/Body Double (1984)
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