【Netflix官方】追凶 (2005) Brick.WEBRip.Netflix 字幕

追凶 2005

发布时间:2022-08-31 来源:本站编辑
Rian Johnson
Joseph Gordon-Levitt/Nora Zehetner/Lukas Haas/Noah Fleiss/Matt O'Leary
2005-01-29(圣丹斯电影节) / 2006-04-07(美国)
南加利福尼亚,高中生布伦丹·弗莱(约瑟夫·戈登-李维特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 饰)接到前女友艾米丽•考斯特奇(艾米丽·Emilie de Ravin 饰)的电话,分手两个月来她过得并不好,似乎正在面临巨大的磨难。在接下来

追凶的剧情介绍,南加利福尼亚,高中生布伦丹·弗莱(约瑟夫·戈登-李维特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 饰)接到前女友艾米丽•考斯特奇(艾米丽·Emilie de Ravin 饰)的电话,分手两个月来她过得并不好,似乎正在面临巨大的磨难。在接下来的两天里,布伦丹四处寻找艾米丽,最终看到的却是她的尸体。为了弄清艾米丽死亡背后的真相,布伦丹执着地展开调查。他寻找任何可能与艾米丽有关的人与事,从而卷入巨大的黑暗漩涡之中…… <br />   本片荣获2007年奥斯汀影评人协会最佳影片奖、2007年俄亥俄影评人协会最杰出电影和最佳原创剧本奖、2006年芝加哥影评人协会最佳新晋导演奖、2005年圣丹斯电影节评委会特别奖。

The lonely teenager Brendan finds his former girlfriend Emily dead in the entrance of a tunnel of sewage and recalls her phone call two days ago, when she said to him that she was in trouble. Brendan, who still loved Emily, met bad elements of his high-school trying to contact her, and when he succeeded, she told him that she was OK. He hides her body in the tunnel and decides to investigate the meaning and connection of four words, including "brick" and "pin", that Emily told him to find who killed her. Using the support of his nerd friend Brain, he successively meets the small time drug dealers Kara, Dode, Brad Bramish, Laura and Tugger, to reach the teenager powerful drug dealer The Pin. Slowly, Brendan unravels the motives why Emily was killed and plots a revenge.

这个是剧情完整梳理版本,看过了看不懂的,有争议的进来看看吧。校园背景的Film Noir。说说。硬的就像一块砖。微光。复杂表象下面的孤独存在,也许……是分裂。不太黑。有一点没看懂。Let&#39;s get through all this shite...。观影笔记24:单纯专一的好故事。

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