黑水仙.校订.Black.Narcissus‎.1947 字幕

黑水仙 1947

发布时间:2021-11-08 来源:本站编辑
Black Narcissus
思凡(港) / 空门遗恨(台) / 雪岭春梦


Sister Clodagh, currently posted at the Convent of the Order of the Servants of Mary in Calcutta, has just been appointed the Sister Superior of the St. Faith convent, making her the youngest sister superior in the order. The appointment is despite the reservations of the Reverend Mother who believes Sister Clodagh not ready for such an assignment, especially because of its isolated location. The convent will be a new one located in the mountainside Palace of Mopu in the Himalayas, and is only possible through the donation by General Todo Rai of Mopu - "The Old General" - of the palace, where the Old General's father formerly kept his concubine. On the Old General's directive, the convent is to provide schooling to the children and young women, and general dispensary services to all native residents who live in the valley below the palace. Accompanying Sister Clodagh will be four of the other nuns, each chosen for a specific reason: Sister Briony for her strength, Sister Phillipa who is to tend to the garden for food, Sister Blanche - more commonly referred to as Sister Honey - for her general ability to spread happiness, and troubled Sister Ruth, who the Reverend Mother believes will truly find her faith from the change in locale. The palace comes with an elderly female caretaker, slightly off kilter Angu Ayah, and a holy man who meditates in solitude and silence outside the palace grounds night and day, he who is not to be disturbed. The General also provides a young boy, six year old Joseph Anthony, the General's cook's son, who will live at the convent to provide translation services. But the sisters' primary liaison to the General and the outside world is his agent, native Brit Mr. Dean, which may prove to be problematic in his gender and doing any work around the convent. Sister Clodagh faces early challenges in feeling the need to accept two people to the convent: seventeen year old Kanchi, who is pushing the boundaries of her sexuality; and the Old General's son, the "Young General", who wants the same educational opportunities, if not better, than that offered to his female counterparts. Beyond these issues, each of the sisters is challenged by this posting, from the cultural differences, to the isolation, to the general openness of their environment. Sister Clodagh, as the leader, feels that she has no one to turn to in her confusion, her thoughts turning back to her time in Ireland before joining the order and her love for a young man named Con that was partly the reason for her decision to devote her life to God. But it is Sister Ruth whose issues may be the most problematic as she is becoming unhinged in her growing romantic obsession with Mr. Dean, especially as jealousy emerges in she also believing that Sister Clodagh is falling in love with him as well, which may or may not be the case.

鲍威尔的雪岭春梦。拯救与逍遥。光影迷梦。白驴王子也迷人。《黑水仙》——唯有圣人与俗人才可久居的圣地。Powell and Pressburger's "Black Narcissus"。异欲之美—黑水仙。程式化从来不是电影不好看的原因。黑水仙。黑水仙——枯萎的生命。

  • 黑水仙.校订.Black.Narcissus‎.1947
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  剧情讲述印度加尔各答修道院的克罗塔修女奉调到纳普修道院当院长,纳普修道院在印度北方海拔8000尺高山上,常年刮着强风。克罗塔建立学校和医院,连小将军都来受教育。克罗塔虽从百废待兴中辛勤工作,治理得有条有理,但年轻的修女们在偏远高山上全凭自律修持,唯美的环境使精神受到挑战,在不断的诱惑下,无法把持者只有放弃圣职。在此中有如智者所言,只有圣者和俗人可能生存——因为生活在大自然中只有修身养性或是随波逐流。      后来,发生了幼儿病死及露丝修女因爱恨还俗并欲杀害院长反坠入深谷等事件,克罗塔也因此离开纳普修道院以弥平心中的伤痕。         相关评价   迈克尔.鲍威尔导演,本片表现出人性在环境的影响下可以改变的不争事实,在人性脆弱的时候,就不能抗拒环境带给它的压力,和抵抗外来环境的影响的自制。影片在表现角色内心挣扎的细微活动细致,演员在诠释各种角色的角度...
9 欲望存于心,极致的压抑会导致极致的反弹。鲍威尔的宗教崩坏电影,投身宗教不过是逃避与压制,不只是男性,就连充斥于片中的种种美景也会成为诱因。这部电影还取代了好莱坞与欧洲两者的精华,在流畅叙事中善用意识流塑造人物。缺点在于对亚洲文化的无知与错用,不过也可直接将之理解成世外桃源
