怪物 MONSTER (2004).rar 字幕

怪物 2004

发布时间:2021-08-10 来源:本站编辑

◎导演◎ 小岛正幸 Masayuki Kojima

◎编剧◎ 浦泽直树 Naoki Urasawa/浦畑达彦 Tatsuhiko Urahata/笔安一幸 Kazuyuki Fudeyasu/砂山蔵澄/博多正寿/渡邊和夫/中村龙 Ryu Nakamura/吉野智美/林政宏/阿部奈美子/中村亮介 Nakamura Ryousuke/斎藤友紀/西川真剛

◎主演◎ 木内秀信 Hidenobu Kiuchi / 能登麻美子 Mamiko Noto / 小山茉美 Mami Koyama / 矶部勉 Tsutomu Isobe / 佐佐木望 Nozomu Sasaki / 竹内顺子 Junko Takeuchi

怪物的剧情介绍,供职于西德艾斯勒纪念医院的日本人天马贤三被人称作“天才医生”,他的外科技术精湛,为人谦和,受到同事的羡慕和医患的敬仰。事业上,天马前途一片光明,为院长所看好;爱情上,院长的女儿爱娃与之相恋,如胶似漆。然而看似一切美好的天马却渐渐感到良心上的不安,他亲眼目睹院方为抢救重要人物而置病危的普通人于不顾,死者家属的指责和哭泣让天马备受煎熬。当这种两难抉择再一次到来之时,天马毅然选择抢救一个头部中枪的男孩。他牺牲了自己的事业和爱情,却换来一个可怕怪物的复活。在接下来的岁月里,天马和怪物约翰展开了斗智斗勇的游戏,一段尘封的历史慢慢被揭开…… <br />   本片根据日本漫画家浦泽直树的同名原著改编。

Dr. Kenzo Tenma, a young but extremely talented neurosurgeon, lives his life working in a hospital in Germany. He is respected by his superiors for his incredible surgical skills, envied by his peers and he is engaged to the daughter of the hospital director. But one day his bright future changes when a little boy is brought in with a serious head injury, along with his twin sister, the aftermath of a family massacre. He is faced with a huge dilemma when his superior orders him to abort the boy's surgery and operate on the mayor instead, who was brought in much later. He decides that "all life is equal" and goes against his superiors to save the boy's life (who arrived first), which ultimately results in the mayor's death. The boy survives, leaving Tenma's career in ruins, his engagement to his fiancé broken. His downward spiral begins when one night, while he is out cold in a drunken stupor, the twins vanish from the hospital and Tenma's superiors - along with the hospital director - are found dead. Tenma, having no alibi and the only one with motive, is the prime murder suspect. He goes into hiding and vows to find the twins and prove his innocence. Little did he know, that this is only the beginning of a terrifying journey through countries, buried secrets and the dark depths of the human psyche...

三个名字,殊途同归。总结一下除了怪物之外我喜欢的动画。『怪物』解析-守护与毁灭的黑童话(算双线分析吧,有剧透慎入。)。约翰可怕在哪里。[转]我觉得最靠谱的一篇分析。The monster,the one outside。原来很久以前还写过这么个东西。。天马和约翰的奇妙对称【转】。今日的生命与昨日的幽灵。当阳光照耀在最阴暗的角落。

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