雌雄莫辨 Victor Victoria (1982) 字幕

雌雄莫辨 1982

发布时间:2019-11-16 来源:本站编辑
双面俏佳人 / 维克多和维克多利亚 / 维克托/维多利亚
朱莉·安德鲁斯/Roxane Barlow/Michael-Demby Cain/詹姆斯·加纳
英国 / 美国
故事发生在20世纪30年代的巴黎,经济的不景气让所有人都陷入了财政危机之中,曾经大放异彩的娱乐业也因此走向穷途末路。穷困潦倒的女子维多利亚(朱丽·安德鲁斯 Julie Andrews 饰)在一次偶然之中被陶德(罗伯特·普雷斯顿 Robert

雌雄莫辨的剧情介绍,故事发生在20世纪30年代的巴黎,经济的不景气让所有人都陷入了财政危机之中,曾经大放异彩的娱乐业也因此走向穷途末路。穷困潦倒的女子维多利亚(朱丽·安德鲁斯 Julie Andrews 饰)在一次偶然之中被陶德(罗伯特·普雷斯顿 Robert Preston 饰)相中,陶德看中了她英姿飒爽的气质,让她假扮成男性,再以男性的身份女装,以满足某些人群的嗜好。 <br />   就这样,维多利亚以维克多的名字出道了,哪知道她刚柔并济雌雄莫辩的形象很快就火便了整个城市,就连夜总会大亨马尔尚(詹姆斯·加纳 James Garner 饰)也不禁被维克多深深吸引,他怎么都弄不明白,维克多身为一名“男性”,究竟是如何将女性气质模仿的惟妙惟肖的。

In 1934 Paris, trained coloratura soprano Victoria Grant, a native Brit, can't get a job as a singer and is having trouble making ends meet. She doesn't even have enough money for the basics of food and shelter. Gay cabaret singer Carole 'Toddy' Todd may befall the same fate as Victoria as he was just fired from his singing gig at a second rate club named Chez Lui. To solve both their problems, Toddy comes up with what he considers an inspired idea: with Toddy as her manager, Victoria, pretending to be a man, get a job singing as a female impersonator. If they pull this scheme off, Toddy vows Victoria, as her male alter ego, will be the toast of Paris and as such be extremely wealthy. That alter ego they decide is Polish Count Victor Grazinski, Toddy's ex-lover who was disowned by his family when they found out he was gay. The Count auditions for the city's leading agent, Andre Cassell, who, impressed, gets him a gig performing in the city's best nightclub. In the audience on the successful opening night is Chicago nightclub owner and "businessman" King Marchand, a stereotypical macho male who falls in the love with the woman he sees on stage, which doesn't sit well with his current girlfriend, Norma Cassady. King is shocked to learn that that woman is a man named Count Grazinski. While King tries to reconcile his romantic feelings for "Victoria" (in truth, King doesn't truly believe the Count is a man), his business associates won't tolerate his change in sexual orientation. Although feeling emancipated being treated as a man, Victoria, as herself, in turn falls in love with King. To pursue something with him as a woman would mean giving up this lucrative career. But the career may also come to an end in a jail term if the authorities find out that Victoria and Toddy have committed fraud in this impersonation.

Crazy World。简评。《雌雄莫辩(Victor/Victoria)》:扮女人的假男人的故事。[Film Review] Victor Victoria (1982) 7.5/10。在真爱面前,性别算个球。无感。雌雄难辨。【246】《雌雄莫辩》——鲸鱼推荐872部好电影。

  • 雌雄莫辨 Victor Victoria (1982)
  • 繁體中文字幕

Julie Andrews可真是神,真是美啊!!!!!!
好好笑!! 尤其那个保镖和放鞋的人! 真的好搞笑诶!!!
「Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind. Therefore is winged cupid painted blind.」「I don't care if you are a man.」「A businessman who does business with gangsters and pretends he's not a gangst...
