托斯卡纳艳阳下 Under.The.Tuscan.Sun.2003.720p.BluRay.x264.srt 字幕

托斯卡纳艳阳下 2003

发布时间:2019-10-06 来源:本站编辑
Under the Tuscan Sun
托斯卡尼艳阳下(台) / 好想有嫁期(港)
英语 / 意大利语 / 波兰语 / 法语 / 西班牙语 / 德语
美国 / 意大利
婚姻失败对于已经三十多岁的女作家法兰西斯(戴安·琳恩 Diane Lane饰)来说,是一个很残酷的打击。幸亏朋友体贴窝心,专程安排她到意大利托斯卡尼去旅行一趟。想不到,托斯卡尼这个美丽得令人窒息的城市,竟然改变了法兰西斯的后半生。

托斯卡纳艳阳下的剧情介绍,婚姻失败对于已经三十多岁的女作家法兰西斯(戴安·琳恩 Diane Lane饰)来说,是一个很残酷的打击。幸亏朋友体贴窝心,专程安排她到意大利托斯卡尼去旅行一趟。想不到,托斯卡尼这个美丽得令人窒息的城市,竟然改变了法兰西斯的后半生。 <br />   法兰西斯在托斯卡尼看到了一个郊外别墅的广告。本来并无太多打算,然而接下来的种种巧合却让她和这幢房子接下了不解之缘。于是,这个来自美国的作家毅然决定放弃从前的一切,开始在异国他乡建立自己的新窝。 <br />   法兰西斯布置自己的新房,大大小小的琐事令她皱眉,各式各样的新人和新事物也令这个新房客应接不暇,新的恋情也在眼前铺开。阳光明净的托斯卡尼,让法兰西斯的内心渐渐丰盈。

Frances Mayes is a San Francisco-based literature professor, literary reviewer and author, who is struggling in writing her latest book. Her outwardly perfect and stable life takes an unexpected turn when her husband files for divorce. He wants to marry the woman with whom he is having an affair. Frances supported her husband financially as he was writing his own book, and he sues her for alimony despite her financial difficulties. And he wants to keep the house. Frances eventually accepts her best friend Patti's offer of a vacation, a gay tour of Tuscany which Patti and her lesbian partner Grace originally purchased for themselves before Patti found out that she is pregnant. The gift is a means to escape dealing with the divorce, from which Patti feels Frances may never recover emotionally without some intervention. Feeling that Patti's assessment may be correct in that she has too much emotional baggage ever to return to San Francisco, Frances, while in Tuscany, impulsively ditches the tour to purchase an aged villa, which ends up being a fixer-upper. Frances has many obstacles in eking out a productive and happy life in her new surroundings, that happy life which she hopes will eventually include rediscovering romantic love. In a discussion with sympathetic real estate agent Signor Martini, Frances outlines what emotionally she wants to accomplish with the villa, despite none of those items in a substantive material sense currently being in her life. In response, Martini tells her the story of a set of railroad tracks that were laid between Vienna and Venice before an engine that could make the trek being built, a train which now regularly travels the route. The question becomes whether Frances, in going through the process, will be laying another Vienna to Venice track, and if so whether that end product emotionally will be exactly as she envisions.

闷骚女成长指南。幸福很好,即使并不属于我。这部片的台词很不错,摘录了几句。托斯卡尼和我的春天。生活在别处。Smell the flowers, and listen to your inner voice.。阳光与温情的托斯卡纳。追寻自己的勇气~。BRAMASOLE。托在手心的阳光。

  • 托斯卡纳艳阳下 Under.The.Tuscan.Sun.2003.720p.BluRay.x264.srt
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  • 简体中文字幕

“这时候,你还在托斯卡纳的锡耶纳,那天刚下过雨,你在走廊里仔细地啃完一只苹果,默然地看年轻女佣立在喷泉旁练习接吻。有一只黑色的猫从坎普广场上慢慢走过,惊起了几只白鸽子。你转身去街角的商店买了一大本锡耶纳画派的书,并突然喜欢上一个叫做Simone Martini的画家。”
一星给风景,一星给doctor Yang,剩下的全是美国式的自大和恶心
They built the train over the Alps between Vienna and Venice even before there was a train in exist that could make the train,but they built it anyway.They know one day the train would come
