感谢你抽烟的剧情介绍,尼克(艾伦•艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart 饰)是这个世界上最赚钱也最富有争议的行业――烟草业 的代言人。他每天不仅要像推销员一样用三寸不烂之舌去说服人们抽烟,还要不得不变着法子去对付禁烟团体、环保团体和科学团体的抗议,在政府和参议员中想尽办法为烟草业谋取最大利 益。 <br /> 尼克还有两个知心朋友――为酒业代言的波利(玛丽亚•贝罗 Maria Bello 饰)和为军火业代言的鲍比(大卫•科恩查内 David Koechner 饰)。相同的行业性质让三人成为无话不谈的密友,经常在一起交流怎样对付环保团体等各种社团的抗议、如何在政府、参议员中周旋的诀窍。 <br /> 在政治和商业互相交错的舞台上,他们上演了一出又一出好戏。
The chief spokesperson and lobbyist Nick Naylor is the Vice-President of the Academy of Tobacco Studies. He is talented in speaking and spins argument to defend the cigarette industry in the most difficult situations. His best friends are Polly Bailey that works in the Moderation Council in alcohol business, and Bobby Jay Bliss of the gun business own advisory group SAFETY. They frequently meet each other in a bar and they self-entitle the Mod Squad a.k.a. Merchants of Death, disputing which industry has killed more people. Nick's greatest enemy is Vermont's Senator Ortolan Finistirre, who defends in the Senate the use a skull and crossed bones in the cigarette packs. Nick's son Joey Naylor lives with his mother, and has the chance to know his father in a business trip. When the ambitious reporter Heather Holloway betrays Nick disclosing confidences he had in bed with her, his life turns upside-down. But Nick is good in what he does for the mortgage.