华沙起义(起义)2001 Uprising 2001 WEB-DL 720p.ass 字幕

华沙起义 2001

发布时间:2017-11-01 来源:本站编辑
起义 / 华沙暴动

◎导演◎ 乔恩·阿维奈 Jon Avnet

◎编剧◎ 乔恩·阿维奈 Jon Avnet/Paul Brickman

◎主演◎ 拉妲·米契尔 Radha Mitchell / 唐纳德·萨瑟兰 Donald Sutherland / 莉莉·索博斯基 Leelee Sobieski / 汉克·阿扎利亚 Hank Azaria

华沙起义的剧情介绍,根据真实历史事件改编。1943年,在忍受了四年灭绝人性的摧残、杀戮之后,有血性的华沙犹太儿女终于揭竿而起,武装对抗德国纳粹的残暴统治……由于没走出犹太人隔离区,势单力薄兼武器短缺,起义终遭残酷镇压。其间一群支持并追随各自所爱男子为“捍卫犹太民族的荣誉”而战的犹太女子的勇敢、顽强尤其令人肃然起敬。二战犹太人题材电视电影经典片。美国导演乔恩·阿维奈(Jon Avnet)代表作。

Using radically refashioned archival footage of the Warsaw ghetto, this interview with Jon Avnet the director of Uprising talks about Marek Edelman who is an evocative memoir of his role in the rebellion that held back the Nazis for almost a month in 1943. The film begins with the growing list of prohibitions and regulations leading to the virtual imprisonment of about half-a-million Polish Jews in an old slum district of Warsaw with inadequate space and plumbing. An overhead tracking shot shows the number of people assembled in the first months of the relocation. The daily struggle against hunger and disease, especially among the dispossessed arrivals seen in their pitful rags, is aggravated by the German demands for "deportations to the east" that many begin to suspect are camouflaged mass murders. By the close of 1942, people living in the ghetto realize they are doomed, and the rudiments of resistance are planned by a handful of the young, including Edelman. Following some sporadic, spontaneous fighting at the ghetto railhead, the Umschlagplatz, in January, led by Moredecai Anielewicz, the scene is set for the more famous and prolonged battle that will begin on 19 April 1943. In the intervening time, many of the ghetto residents construct hidden shelters or bunkers in the basements and cellars of the buildings, often with tunnels leading to other buildings. The handful of fighters who have weapons take to these shelters, giving the uprising the advantage of defensive positions.

关于华沙起义的一点零星史料。《起义》与《死亡终点站》:希特勒生日惹的祸。居然有FRIENDS里David Schwimmer。

  • 华沙起义(起义)2001 Uprising 2001 WEB-DL 720p.ass
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