3月的狮子 前篇(简繁字幕)March.Comes.in.Like.a.Lion.2017.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi.zip 字幕

3月的狮子 前篇 2017

发布时间:2017-10-19 来源:本站编辑
3月のライオン 前編
三月的狮子 前篇 / March Comes In Like A Lion
大友启史 Keishi Ohtomo
神木隆之介 Ryûnosuke Kamiki/有村架纯 Kasumi Arimura/仓科加奈 Kana Kurashina/染谷将太 Shôta Sometani/清原果耶 Kaya Kiyohara/佐佐木藏之介 Kuranosuke Sasaki/加濑亮 Ryo Kase/前田吟 Gin Maeda/高桥一生 Issei Takahashi/岩松了 Ryô Iwamatsu/齐木茂 Shigeru Saiki/中村伦也 Tomoya Nakamura/尾上寛之 Hiroyuki Onoe/奥野瑛太 Eita Okuno/甲本雅裕 Masahiro Kômoto/新津知世 Chise Niitsu/板谷由夏 Yuka Itaya/伊藤英明 Hideaki Ito/丰川悦司 Etsushi Toyokawa
桐山零(神木隆之介 饰)是将棋界公认的天才,年仅17岁的他便已经成为了一名职业棋手,在棋盘上打败了无数年长与他许多的对手。实际上,零拥有着悲惨的过去,他的家人们很早之前在一场可怕的车祸中全部去世了,之后,零被父亲的好友收养。养父是一名将棋爱

3月的狮子 前篇的剧情介绍,桐山零(神木隆之介 饰)是将棋界公认的天才,年仅17岁的他便已经成为了一名职业棋手,在棋盘上打败了无数年长与他许多的对手。实际上,零拥有着悲惨的过去,他的家人们很早之前在一场可怕的车祸中全部去世了,之后,零被父亲的好友收养。养父是一名将棋爱好者,为了让养父开心,零没日没夜的研究着棋谱,却不曾想自己不经意的举动造成了这个家庭的分崩离析。 <br />   最终,零决定离开养父家独自生活,在他看来,只要不依靠任何人,不和任何产生关联,便不会伤害任何人。然而,善良又热情的川本三姐妹闯入了零的生活,一直讲零视为是自己的宿敌的二海堂晴信(染谷将太 饰)也令零渐渐走出了孤独。

17-year-old Kiriyama Rei is a promising professional shogi player. His family died in an accident when he was young, and he was adopted by his father's friend Koda, a professional shogi player, and started to be trained to play shogi with his foster brother and sister. He had to leave his foster family after conflicts with them, trying to live independently without family, friends or anyone care about him. Things started to change when he met the Kawamoto sisters, a family who decided to take care of him and protect him as one of their own. Meanwhile, Rei becomes acquaintances to many different kinds of professional shogi players as he plays with them, and his bond with those players starts to change his attitude toward shogi.

March comes in like a Lion.。《三月的獅子前篇》電影觀後感。染谷小天使怎么总是神木弟弟的对手。嗯。重温。2021年了,我还在看三月的狮子。将棋的形式。【微雷/心得】三月的獅子(前篇),追逐夢想的人都該看。。观后瞎谈。〘三月のライオン〙。

  • 3月的狮子 前篇(简繁字幕)March.Comes.in.Like.a.Lion.2017.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi.zip
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