猫和老鼠·迷失之龙Tom.and.Jerry.The.Lost.Dragon(2014).ass 字幕

猫和老鼠:迷失之龙 2014

发布时间:2017-09-21 来源:本站编辑
Tom and Jerry: The Lost Dragon
Tom and Jerry & The Lost Dragon
Spike Brandt
凯莉·斯泰堡丝 Kelly Stables/薇姬·刘易斯 Vicki Lewis/吉姆·库宁斯 Jim Cummings/拉瑞恩·纽曼 Laraine Newman/格雷格·埃利斯 Greg Ellis/杰斯·哈梅尔 Jess Harnell
中世纪一个聚集着精灵的小山村,正义的魔法师卡尔多夫(吉姆·库宁斯 Jim Cummings 配音)驱逐了邪恶而法术高强的女巫德里泽达(薇姬·刘易斯 Vicki Lewis 配音)。德里泽达无法匹敌,恨恨逃走,而她那不谙世事、单纯善良的侄女雅

猫和老鼠:迷失之龙的剧情介绍,中世纪一个聚集着精灵的小山村,正义的魔法师卡尔多夫(吉姆·库宁斯 Jim Cummings 配音)驱逐了邪恶而法术高强的女巫德里泽达(薇姬·刘易斯 Vicki Lewis 配音)。德里泽达无法匹敌,恨恨逃走,而她那不谙世事、单纯善良的侄女雅典娜(凯莉·斯泰堡丝 Kelly Stables 配音)则获准留了下来。在此期间,雅典娜还收养了小猫汤姆和老鼠杰瑞。雅典娜敏感的身份以及经常惹祸的猫和老鼠,让女孩一直遭受精灵们的歧视。这一天,汤姆和杰瑞偶然在河边拣到一枚龙蛋,这是之前德里泽达的笨蛋手下们不小心弄丢的,有了它德里泽达就可以用可怕的法术报复驱逐她的精灵们。 <br />   不久,可爱的绿色小龙孵化出来,而久违的灾难也正向精灵村靠近……

Your favorite cat and mouse are back with song, sorcery and slapstick in this enchanted tale with two bonus cartoons. The adventure begins when Tom and Jerry happen upon a mysterious glowing egg. Little do they know, this egg was stolen from a very large fire breathing dragon! In short time, baby Puffy hatches from his egg and takes Tom as his mommy. The angry mama dragon wants her baby back, but she's not the only one...a powerful witch named Drizelda captures the baby dragon for her own wicked plans! With the help of powerful allies and animal friends, Tom and Jerry must fight tooth and claw to stop the witch and get the baby dragon back to its mother. The action takes flight in a climactic ending filled with might, magic, and cartoon mayhem of course!


  • 猫和老鼠·迷失之龙Tom.and.Jerry.The.Lost.Dragon(2014).ass
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