曼哈顿谋杀疑案(中英双语字幕)Manhattan.Murder.Mystery.1993.720p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H264-FGT.zip 字幕

曼哈顿谋杀疑案 1993

发布时间:2017-09-21 来源:本站编辑
Manhattan Murder Mystery
曼哈顿神秘谋杀 / 曼克顿神秘谋杀案
伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen
伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen/黛安·基顿 Diane Keaton/杰里·阿德勒 Jerry Adler/林恩·科恩 Lynn Cohen/朗·瑞弗金 Ron Rifkin/阿伦·阿尔达 Alan Alda
豪斯夫人(林·科恩 Lynn Cohen 饰)的死让目击者拉里(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)起了疑心,因为作为死者的丈夫,保罗(杰里·阿德勒 Jerry Adler 饰)不仅没有表现出一丝的伤心,更是和一名叫海伦(Melanie

曼哈顿谋杀疑案的剧情介绍,豪斯夫人(林·科恩 Lynn Cohen 饰)的死让目击者拉里(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)起了疑心,因为作为死者的丈夫,保罗(杰里·阿德勒 Jerry Adler 饰)不仅没有表现出一丝的伤心,更是和一名叫海伦(Melanie Norris 饰)的美丽女子 来往密切。 <br />   在好友特德(阿伦·阿尔达 Alan Alda 饰)的帮助下,拉里开始了对于保罗的跟踪调查,但很快拉里便发现,特德和自己的妻子卡罗尔(黛安·基顿 Diane Keaton 饰)似乎有着暧昧的关系。随着调查的深入,事件的真相逐渐浮出了水面,为了掩盖自己所犯下的罪行,保罗绑架了卡罗尔,以此威胁拉里。在众人的搀和下,事情变得越来越复杂,而拉里唯一要做的,就是救出妻子。

Larry and Carol are fairly normal New Yorkers who have sent their son off to college. They meet an elderly couple down the hall and later in the week find that the wife has suddenly died. Carol becomes suspicious of Paul who seems to be too cheerful and too ready to move on. She begins her investigation. Larry insists she is becoming too fixated on their neighbor as all of the irregularities seem to have simple non-homicidal explanations. Ted, a recently divorced friend helps her investigation and Larry begins to become jealous of their relationship and agrees to help her.

希区柯克只是伍迪艾伦的药引子。小男人,才靠谱。Woody Allen作品中少被提及的佳作。伍迪艾伦式幽默悬疑。I’ll never say life doesn’t imitate art again。伍迪艾伦的爵士乐:Sing, Sing, Sing (With A Swing)。《曼哈顿谋杀案》突破性的戏剧性。。伍迪黛安友谊万岁!。当经典悬疑片的情节融合在一起会是什么样?。无法更懦弱、书生气的男人啦。

  • 曼哈顿谋杀疑案(中英双语字幕)Manhattan.Murder.Mystery.1993.720p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H264-FGT.zip
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