孩子们都很好 The Kids Are All Right (2010) 性福拉警報 字幕

孩子们都很好 2010

发布时间:2017-09-05 来源:本站编辑
The Kids Are All Right
非单亲关系(港) / 性福拉警报(台) / 子嗣无忧 / 孩子没问题 / 孩子们没事 / 问题不在孩子
丽莎·查罗登科 Lisa Cholodenko
朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore/安妮特·贝宁 Annette Bening/马克·鲁弗洛 Mark Ruffalo/米娅·华希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska/乔什·哈切森 Josh Hutcherson/亚雅·达科斯塔 Yaya DaCosta/库努尔·夏尔马 Kunal Sharma/艾迪·哈塞尔 Eddie Hassell/佐莎·马梅特 Zosia Mamet/Joaquín Garrido/Lisa Eisner/萨沙·斯皮尔伯格 Sasha Spielberg
影片参加了2010年的圣丹斯电影节,发行版权以480万美元的价格被焦点影业买走,成为了那届圣丹斯上最值钱的电影。 <br />

孩子们都很好的剧情介绍,影片参加了2010年的圣丹斯电影节,发行版权以480万美元的价格被焦点影业买走,成为了那届圣丹斯上最值钱的电影。 <br />   妮可(安妮特·贝宁 Annette Bening 饰)和朱尔斯(朱丽安·摩尔Julianne Moore 饰)是一对相伴很久的同性伴侣。并有2个孩子:马上要18岁的乔妮(米娅·华希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 饰)和15岁的莱塞(乔什·哈切森 Josh Hutcherson 饰)。妮可的医生职业很有压力常常忽视了朱尔斯日子还算太平的过着,直到有一天,莱塞向姐姐建议,他想和那个捐出自己精子的男人见一面。因为姐姐已经到了18岁,她有权利向家里提出这个要求。妮可和和朱尔斯同意了姐弟俩的愿望,他们见到了在生物学上的父亲保罗(马克·鲁弗洛 Mark Ruffalo 饰)。可是见面之后会发生什么呢?这个平静而美满的家庭会因此出现裂缝么?

Nic and Jules are in a long term, committed, loving but by no means perfect same-sex relationship. Nic, a physician, needs to wield what she believes is control, whereas Jules, under that control, is less self-assured. During their relationship, Jules has floundered in her "nine to five" life, sometimes trying to start a business - always unsuccessfully - or being the stay-at-home mom. She is currently trying to start a landscape design business. They have two teen-aged children, Joni (conceived by Nic) and Laser (by Jules). Although not exact replicas, each offspring does more closely resemble his/her biological mother in temperament. Joni and Laser are also half-siblings, having the same unknown sperm donor father. Shortly after Joni's eighteenth birthday and shortly before she plans to leave the house and head off to college, Laser, only fifteen and underage to do so, pleads with her to try and contact their sperm donor father. Somewhat reluctantly, she does. He is late thirty-something Paul, a co-op farmer and restaurateur. Despite his seemingly successful businesses, Paul has always shirked responsibility, most specifically in his personal life. After Joni and Laser meet with Paul, Nic and Jules learn what their children have done and, although they don't want Paul infiltrating their lives, want to meet him - especially as Joni and Laser seem to want to maintain some sort of relationship with him. As Paul's relationship with the entire family grows (which includes his hiring Jules to design and construct his backyard), they have an effect on what he wants in life. In turn, he affects their family dynamic as well as each person's relationships outside of it.

传统家庭的悲喜剧同样在女同性恋家庭上演。喜剧都必悲伤,悲剧都很有趣。彩虹旗下的生活流。也只能是孩子。因为亲情,everyone is all right。奥斯卡拒绝你是奥斯卡的损失╮( ̄▽ ̄&#34;)╭。我们都很好。我又要耍偏激了。孩子们很好,电影很棒,小三很活该。这是一部道德主流片,其实与捐精和les都无关。

  • 孩子们都很好 The Kids Are All Right (2010) 性福拉警報
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