堕落 第二季 The Fall.2014.SO2(全集双语字幕).rar 字幕

堕落 第二季 2014

发布时间:2017-09-02 来源:本站编辑
The Fall
落网 第二季
艾伦·丘比特 Allan Cubitt
吉莲·安德森 Gillian Anderson/詹米·多南 Jamie Dornan/约翰·林奇 John Lynch
本片由Gillian Anderson和Jamie Dornan联袂演出。片中Jamie的角色在白天是帅气慈爱的人父,但到了夜晚却成为冷血连环杀手,并与Gillian扮演的女警探展开角力。

堕落 第二季的剧情介绍,本片由Gillian Anderson和Jamie Dornan联袂演出。片中Jamie的角色在白天是帅气慈爱的人父,但到了夜晚却成为冷血连环杀手,并与Gillian扮演的女警探展开角力。

Stella interviews Annie, who cannot recall anything about her attacker. Later Stella and Burns revisit Annie's house where she is menaced by locals over her affair, now public, with Olson. Baby-sitter Katie tells Sally Ann that Spector assaulted her, causing Sally Ann to ring her husband in Scotland, to where he has fled, and told him to keep way from her and her family. Spector, however, returns to Belfast to stay in a guest house. He confronts Katie, who tells him she believes he is the killer but he denies it and leaves. Stella is anxious to interview Rose Stagg, Reed's friend who knew Spector as Peter but Rose's name is leaked to the press and Spector goes after her.

编剧大人,下一任连环杀手是Colin吗?。科总生贺小影评 (The Fall)。北爱人与英国人的爱恨情仇。关于《堕落》的一些思考,主要是槽点。。这剧真是不能更feminism了。《The Fall》:恋母情结VS恋父情结。堕落 第二季:宗教和世俗,究竟是哪一个把人类推向了更危险的深渊?。

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