与男孩同车 Riding in Cars with Boys (2001) 辣妹青春 字幕

与男孩同车 2001

发布时间:2017-08-16 来源:本站编辑
Riding in Cars with Boys
潘妮·马歇尔 Penny Marshall
德鲁·巴里摩尔 Drew Barrymore/史蒂夫·茨恩 Steve Zahn/亚当·加西亚 Adam Garcia/布莱特妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy/詹姆斯·伍兹 James Woods
Beverly(德鲁·巴里摩尔 饰)是一个怀揣作家梦的少女。她的父亲是一名警察,而男朋友Ray却是一个瘾君子。当男友得知Beverly怀了自己的孩子后,便毅然决定和她结婚。然而婚姻并不能改变Ray,他不上进,不顾家,甚至因为吸毒而花掉了本应

与男孩同车的剧情介绍,Beverly(德鲁·巴里摩尔 饰)是一个怀揣作家梦的少女。她的父亲是一名警察,而男朋友Ray却是一个瘾君子。当男友得知Beverly怀了自己的孩子后,便毅然决定和她结婚。然而婚姻并不能改变Ray,他不上进,不顾家,甚至因为吸毒而花掉了本应给儿子治病的钱。Beverly再也无法忍受让这个男人来继续破坏自己和儿子的生活,于是与其分手。可年幼的儿子却并不能理解母亲的所作所为,母子间的隔阂也越来越大。 <br />   然而生活的一团糟并没有击垮Beverly,当挚友Fay也离她而去之后,她仍坚持着自己最初的梦想。同时,与儿子同父亲的关系也在慢慢的改善中……

Seriocomic story based on the memoir by Beverly Donofrio, the movie follows a young woman who finds her life radically altered by an event from her teen years. Born in 1950, Beverly grew up bright and ambitious in a working-class neighborhood in Connecticut; her father was a tough but good-hearted cop who listened to his daughter's problems, and her mother was a nervous woman eager to imagine the worst. From an early age, Beverly displays a keen intelligence and an interest in literature, and dreams of going to college in New York and becoming a writer. However, she also develops an early interest in boys, and at 15 finds herself madly in love with a boy from her high school. However, an attempt to get his attention leads to an embarassing incident at a party, and Ray, a sweet but thick-headed 18-year-old, steps forward to defend her. Beverly and Ray end up making out, and after one thing leads to another, Beverly discovers she's pregnant. Telling Ray is only marginally less difficult than informing her parents, and at 16, Beverly is a wife and mother. Against the odds, Beverly is determined to still finish high school and go on to college, but that goal becomes more difficult with time, especially after Beverly's marriage begins to fall apart. Ray tries to do the right thing but has trouble holding a job, and becomes addicted to heroin.

铁栏后的瀑布----人生是不是非要这么残酷。唯爱与梦想不可辜负。BEV的三个男人。如果你也困在原地。。。。“就算没有你,我也不会过得更好”。一个故事。清晨你以为到了下午一切都将不同,下午你却仍是一个平庸的女人,这就是生活。嫣然如梦一场。没有标题。All I Have To Do is Dream。

  • 与男孩同车 Riding in Cars with Boys (2001) 辣妹青春
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