鹿男与美丽的奈良(全10集-繁中字幕)鹿男あをによし Complete 720p x264 AAC-DoA.zip 字幕

鹿男与美丽的奈良 2008

发布时间:2017-05-13 来源:本站编辑
Shika otoko aoniyoshi
因为和大学研究室的同事处不来,小川孝信(玉木宏 饰)不得不辞职,来到了奈良,成为了一名女子高中学校的讲师。新班级的女学生们根本不理会小川这样的书呆子。百无聊赖的小川觉得自己今生可能就要度过了。某一天,被学生欺负了的小川来到了公园散步,突然遇

◎导演◎ 铃木雅之 Masayuki Suzuki/村上正典 Masanori Murakami

◎编剧◎ 相泽友子 Tomoko Aizawa/万城目学 Manabu Makime

◎主演◎ 玉木宏 Hiroshi Tamaki / 绫濑遥 Haruka Ayase / 多部未华子 Mikako Tabe / 柴本幸 Shibamoto Yuki / 筱井英介 Eisuke Sasai / 田山凉成 Ryôsei Tayama / 佐佐木藏之介 Kuranosuke Sasaki / 儿玉清 Kiyoshi Kodama

鹿男与美丽的奈良的剧情介绍,因为和大学研究室的同事处不来,小川孝信(玉木宏 饰)不得不辞职,来到了奈良,成为了一名女子高中学校的讲师。新班级的女学生们根本不理会小川这样的书呆子。百无聊赖的小川觉得自己今生可能就要度过了。某一天,被学生欺负了的小川来到了公园散步,突然遇见了一只会说话的鹿,这只鹿居然开口对小川说:“轮到你来拯救世界了!”就这样,小川平凡的生活被打破,同他一起拯救世界的还有他的宅女同事藤原道子(绫濑遥)。鹿男和美丽奈良的奇幻故事就此展开。 <br />   本剧改编自万城目学的同名小说,该书获得了第137回直木赏提名。

Forced out of his research group after conflicts with his colleagues, Ogawa Takanobu takes up an offer to teach at a girls' high school in Nara. When taking roll call on the first day one of his students, Hotta Ito, sneaks into class late, claiming a bogus excuse--that she got a ticket after trying to park her deer in front of the train station. He makes immediate enemies with Hotta when he tells his superiors about her tardiness and attitude. In the following days, he begins to notice something unusual about Hotta, but he can't seem to put his finger on it. With an odd group of colleagues who live together with him, Ogawa slowly accustoms to life in slow-paced Nara, where there seem to be as many deer as people. Walking through Nara Park one day, he begins to befriend the local deer population, feeding them rice wafers. After being confronted by a talking deer who commandeers him to prevent the destruction of Japan, he fails in his first mission and the talking deer exacts punishment...

喜欢。看到第八集了。鹿男和美丽的奈良 观感:衰神拯救世界。……真只输在开头两集。这个冬季关于日剧的最大惊喜。。小人物拯救世界。用现代剧情来演绎日本的文史与艺术。很不错啊。胡言乱语。我是完全看完的。。

  • 鹿男与美丽的奈良(全10集-繁中字幕)鹿男あをによし Complete 720p x264 AAC-DoA.zip
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