英国病人.The.English.Patient.1996.X264.AAC.eng.srt 字幕

英国病人 1996

发布时间:2017-05-12 来源:本站编辑
The English Patient
别问我是谁(港) / 英伦情人(台)
1996-12-06(美国) / 1997-03-14(英国)
英语 / 德语 / 意大利语 / 阿拉伯语
美国 / 英国


October 1944 in war torn Italy. Hana, a French-Canadian nurse working in a mobile army medical unit, feels like everything she loves in life dies on her. Because of the difficulty traveling and the dangers, especially as the landscape is still heavily booby-trapped with mines, Hana volunteers to stay behind at a church to care solely for a dying semi-amnesiac patient, who is badly burned and disfigured. She agrees to catch up to the rest of the unit after he dies. All the patient remembers is that he is English and that he is married. Their solitude is disrupted with the arrival at the church of fellow Canadian David Caravaggio, part of the Intelligence Service, who is certain that he knows the patient as a man who cooperated with the Germans. Caravaggio believes that the patient's memory is largely in tact and that he is running away from his past, in part or in its entirety. The patient does open up about his past, all surrounding his work as a cartographer in North Africa, which was interrupted by the war. He may not be running from his work as a spy for the Germans as Caravaggio believes, but rather the memory of an affair he had with married Katherine Clifton, the love of his life, and the memory of a promise not totally fulfilled. Hana may also test her theory of her fates with love and death as she embarks on a relationship of her own with Kip Singh, a Sikh from India, whose unit has camped on the now overgrown lawn of the church. Their work entails sweeping for and diffusing mines, the discovery of one such mine which had earlier saved her life.

不仅仅是爱情电影。测绘是有前途的专业。“一方没有地图的乐土”:关于凯瑟琳的那段文字。爱情是我此生唯一的名字。Movie, Moving。旧世界之死。拉片:最理性的态度来解剖最浓烈的感情。可惜,你不是“病人”。爱情的超越。贪欲还是爱情?。

  • 英国病人.The.English.Patient.1996.X264.AAC.eng.srt
  • SRT
  • English字幕

  一架英国飞机在飞越撒哈拉沙漠时被德军击落,机师由于受伤,想不起自己是谁,因此被叫做“英国病人”。汉娜是战地医院的一名护士,她决定独身留下来照顾那个英国病人。他们停留的地方是意大利的一个废弃的修道院,远离战争的喧嚣,显得宁静而闲逸,“英国病人”静静的躺在房间的木床上,窗头 的一本旧书渐渐唤起了他的思绪……   一段爱情,在战火中燃烧,逾越了道德,改变了战局。考古学家艾马殊伯爵(拉尔夫•费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)跟随探险家来到撒哈拉沙漠考察,结识了绘制地图的飞机师杰佛和他妻子凯瑟琳(克里斯汀•斯科特•托马斯 Kristin Scott Thomas 饰)。凯瑟琳的才气和美丽让艾马殊深深着迷,两人在沙漠一个幽深洞穴参观壁画时,更加发现彼此志趣相投。 道德最终战胜了激情。凯瑟琳和艾马殊分手后,杰弗发现了妻子的外遇。伤心的杰弗开着飞机企图与妻子和艾马...
In memory, love lives forever... 一直以来最爱的电影,没有之一。-“你一直戴着它?” -“是的,我一直戴着它。傻瓜,我一直爱着你。”
我记得那个名为Almasy Bosphorus的锁骨,我无须记得那宏大如诗篇的叙事。
Ralph Fiennes太完美了
Every night I cut out of my heart…But in the morning it was full again.
