疑犯动机 第三季 (第8集-2HD通用版-简繁英双语特效高级字幕)motive.s03e08.720p.hdtv.x264-bajskorv.zip 字幕

作案动机 第三季 2015

发布时间:2017-04-27 来源:本站编辑
Leah Gibson/Jaylee Hamidi
一般的罪案调查剧要到每一集结尾才会揭晓罪犯的真实身份,但本剧每集一开始就会把受害人的身份和凶手的身份全都告诉观众。它并不以「谁干的」为看点,而是强调「为什么」。温哥华警察局命案侦探Angie Flynn(Kristin Lehman)每天都

作案动机 第三季的剧情介绍,一般的罪案调查剧要到每一集结尾才会揭晓罪犯的真实身份,但本剧每集一开始就会把受害人的身份和凶手的身份全都告诉观众。它并不以「谁干的」为看点,而是强调「为什么」。温哥华警察局命案侦探Angie Flynn(Kristin Lehman)每天都要面对「为什么」,她必须一点一点地拼凑一起案件中所有的相关线索——凶手和受害人因为什么而相关?凶手的作案动机是什么?观众将跟随Angie和她的调查组解开一个个谜团。 <br />   <a href="https://www.douban.com/link2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fchaoji365.com%2Fdetail%2F%3F8968.html&link2key=ee785083d4" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://chaoji365.com<wbr/>/detail/?8968.html</a>

The killer: Derek Caster. The victim: London Montgomery, the grown daughter of wealthy industrialist, Neville Montgomery. Six months out of drug rehab and seemingly clean during that time, London is found dead from being poisoned on what was the night of her birthday party joint drug rehab facility fundraiser. Betty suspects that the drug was purposefully given to London as what she believed was cocaine. Oscar recuses himself from the case when he learns that the last person to text London before she died was his father, Franco Vega, who has a thing for younger women like London. As such, Franco becomes a prime suspect. Because of the need for extra human resources on the case, Boyd asks Angie if she is willing to be temporarily placed back in Homicide from her desk job in Recruiting which she requested six months ago following Oscar killing to protect her, and her and Mark's ten year secret coming to a head. The desk job has not rejuvenated Angie as she had hoped, and as such she is itching to get back to Homicide permanently. The detectives learn that London was working through a twelve step program, and was on step nine - making amends - with one person who did not accept her apology probably the killer. Working through the evidence and learning the nature of Franco and London's relationship, they learn that London's death is indirectly related to Neville's business dealings, which they suspect will play a major role in their future work based on the outcome of this case.

  • 疑犯动机 第三季 (第8集-2HD通用版-简繁英双语特效高级字幕)motive.s03e08.720p.hdtv.x264-bajskorv.zip
  • 简体中文字幕,繁體中文字幕,English字幕,双语字幕

第三季一开始就有恋老裤破的sugar daddy (~ ̄▽ ̄)→))* ̄▽ ̄*)o加分。其余部分不如前两季。少了一点不明所以的神秘感。这季的凶手和受害人之间的关系比较明显。主线剧情和人物塑造的成分多了,开始向常规单元剧靠拢。没那么新鲜了。
性冷淡的画风 关注案件背后的冷暖 只破案不谈感情 最爱的犯罪类电视剧!
