Borat波拉特 字幕

波拉特 2006

发布时间:2017-04-15 来源:本站编辑
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
波拉特:为了建设伟大的祖国哈萨克斯坦而学习美国文化 / 波叔出城:哈萨克乡下佬去美国搵着数 / 芭乐特:哈萨克青年必修(理)美国文化 / 鲍莱特 / 宝拉西游记 / Borat!
拉里·查尔斯 Larry Charles
萨莎·拜伦·科恩 Sacha Baron Cohen/肯·戴维蒂安 Ken Davitian/路奈尔·坎贝尔 Luenell Campell/帕米拉·安德森 Pamela Anderson/Jean-Pierre Parent/Bob Barr
英语 / 罗马尼亚语 / 希伯来语 / 波兰语 / 亚美尼亚语
美国 / 英国
电影用讽刺癫狂的手段,展现了哈萨克主播波拉特(萨莎·拜伦·科恩 Sacha Baron Cohen 饰)到美国的一场“文化之旅”。波拉特在哈萨克国内是个排名第六的主持人,擅长用粗俗搞笑的桥段吸引观众眼球。他的家人也有点儿“怪”,妹妹还获得“

波拉特的剧情介绍,电影用讽刺癫狂的手段,展现了哈萨克主播波拉特(萨莎·拜伦·科恩 Sacha Baron Cohen 饰)到美国的一场“文化之旅”。波拉特在哈萨克国内是个排名第六的主持人,擅长用粗俗搞笑的桥段吸引观众眼球。他的家人也有点儿“怪”,妹妹还获得“风尘小姐”的第四名。 <br />   就是这样一个主持人,被派去了美国进行文化学习,并拍回来一部纪录片。波拉特和制片人在人们的欢送下来到了光怪陆离的美国。他开始学习美国的礼仪,接触美国的文化,然而却处处碰壁,处处闹出笑话。这天波拉特在电视上看到心中的美丽女神,心驰神往,甚至忘记了此行任务……能否学成归国,对于乐不思蜀的波拉特还是未知数呢。

Borat Sagdiyev is a TV reporter of a popular show in Kazakhstan as Kazakhstan's sixth most famous man and a leading journalist. He is sent from his home to America by his government to make a documentary about American society and culture. Borat takes a course in New York City to understand American humor. While watching Baywatch on TV, Borat discovers how beautiful their women are in the form of C. J. Parker, who was played by actress Pamela Anderson who hails from Malibu, California. He decides to go on a cross-country road trip to California in a quest to make her his wife and take her back to his country. On his journey Borat and his producer encounter a country full of strange and wonderful Americans, real people in real chaotic situations with hysterical consequences.


  • Borat波拉特
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