匹配两段高清画质版 Theo Angelopoulos - The Travelling players 1975 字幕

流浪艺人 1975

发布时间:2016-07-04 来源:本站编辑
Ο Θίασος
演员游记 / 巡回剧团 / The Travelling Players / O thiasos
伊娃·科塔曼尼多/Aliki Georgouli/Stratos Pahis/Vangelis Kazan/Maria Vassiliou

◎导演◎ 西奥·安哲罗普洛斯 Theodoros Angelopoulos

◎编剧◎ 西奥·安哲罗普洛斯 Theodoros Angelopoulos

◎主演◎ 伊娃·科塔曼尼多 Eva Kotamanidou / Aliki Georgouli / Stratos Pahis / Vangelis Kazan / Maria Vassiliou

流浪艺人的剧情介绍,影片以流浪剧团的巡演为背景,通过闪回讲述了希腊1939年梅塔萨克斯将军专制统治到1952年到帕帕戈斯右派将军上台的历史。流浪艺人每一回演出历史剧《牧羊姑娘戈尔芙》都因为政治事件的发生被打断,从而见证历史演变的进程,同时这又成为剧团的素材在下一场的演出所里增加现实的内容。影片通过他们在希腊各地的演出,以他们的所见所闻反映了希腊历史上难忘的岁月,影片开始和结尾都是流浪剧团的演员们站在火车站前,用安哲罗普洛斯的话来说这是“全家福”,是告别往事的终点,也是新的历史的开端,只要有人。历史的戏剧永远开演。 <br />   作者:kavkalu

A group of traveling players peregrinates through Greece attempting to perform the popular erotic drama Golfo The Shepherdess. In a first level the film focuses on the historical events between 1939 and 1952 as they are experienced by the traveling players and as they affect the villages which they visit: The last year of Metaxas' fascist dictatorship, the war against the Italians, the Nazi occupation, the liberation, the civil war between left and right wingers, the British and American interventionism in the Greek politics. In a second level the characters live their own drama of jealousy and betrayal, with its roots in the ancient myth of the House of Atreus. Agamemnon, a Greek refugee from Minor Asia, goes to war against the Italians in 1940, joins the resistance against the Germans, and is executed by them after being betrayed by Clytemnestra and Aegisthos. Aegisthos, Clytemnestra's lover, is an informer and collaborator working with the German occupiers. Orestes, son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, fights on the side of the leftists, avenges his father's death by killing his mother and Aegisthos. He is arrested in 1949 for his guerrilla activities and is executed in prison in 1951. Electra, his sister, helps the leftists and aids her brother in avenging the treachery of their mother and Aegisthos. After the death of Orestes she continues the work of the troupe and her relationship with Pylades. Chrysotheme, Electra's younger sister, collaborates with the Germans, prostitutes herself during the occupation, sides with the British during liberation, and later marries an American. Pylades, close friend of Orestes, is a Communist who is exiled by the Metaxas regime, joins the guerrillas and is arrested and exiled again. Finally he is forced to sign a written denunciation of the left after torture by the right wing and he is released from prison in 1950.

安哲罗普洛斯的幽灵。紫红色的左翼情结——关于《流浪艺人》。《流浪艺人》:寓意深远的苦难编年体。《巡迴剧团》电影剧本。流动于空间中的时间——以西奥·安哲罗普洛斯导演作品《流浪艺人》为例。几点要说的。FIFF15丨DAY9《流浪艺人》:历史的戏剧,它从未停止。Notes for Travelling Players。史诗的结构一种:性的流浪与革命不彻底的悲剧。4小时长镜头。

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