Directed by Andrew Lau, the film is based on a real-life incident in May 2018, when the cockpit windshield of a Sichuan Airlines flight shattered while the plane was flying 30,000 feet above the Tibetan Plateau. The co-pilot was sucked halfway out of the cockpit and passengers started losing consciousness due to low pressure, but the captain managed to land the plane safely.
这不是a320,是歼320。中国机长预热 | 盘点影史最精彩的民航电影top11。《中国机长》的意义在于让所有人知道:英雄从未远离。不是很看好这部改编。来聊一聊影片中的原型人物……。看完《中国机长》的预告片突然缺氧,还好有神仙氧气组合为我续命。直击万米高空险情!看完《中国机长》1分钟预告,我晕机了。生死面前,没有难度高低。