After Bella recovers from the vampire attack that almost claimed her life, she looks to celebrate her birthday with Edward and his family. However, a minor accident during the festivities results in Bella's blood being shed, a sight that proves too intense for the Cullens, who decide to leave the town of Forks, Washington for Bella and Edward's sake. Initially heartbroken, Bella finds a form of comfort in reckless living, as well as an even-closer friendship with Jacob Black. Danger in different forms awaits.
这出狼人VS吸血鬼的爱情戏,你要炮轰还是拍手称快?。又见备胎。肌肉男与puppy love的彻底胜利。一个真实反应无脑纠结女的青春偶像喜剧。黑色可以是哥特,也可以是幽默。备胎是王道。罗密欧啊你维萨那么朱丽叶呢。吸血鬼 + 狼人 + Teenage Love + 琼瑶 = 暮光之城:新月。导演真有才。真的很好看呀。