
桥 2003/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-07-04 来源:本站编辑
The Bridge
弗拉迪姆·贾沃斯克/Ladislav Ondrej/琳达·莱波娃/Ester Geislerová/Brad Heller/卡拉拉·伊莎娃
英语 / 捷克语
美国 / 捷克
冷漠的面孔,行进的人群,那一抹抹红色点缀着布拉格街头的寒冷,让温暖流淌在匆忙的交错过往之间。 <br />

◎导演◎ Bobby Garabedian

◎编剧◎ Bobby Garabedian/William Zabka

◎主演◎ Vladimír Javorský / Ladislav Ondrej / 琳达·莱波娃 Linda Rybová / Ester Geislerová / Brad Heller / 卡拉拉·伊莎娃 Klára Issová

桥的剧情介绍,冷漠的面孔,行进的人群,那一抹抹红色点缀着布拉格街头的寒冷,让温暖流淌在匆忙的交错过往之间。 <br />   车站自是离别伤感之所,身为道桥扳道员的父亲(Vladimír Javorský 饰)抱着儿子拉多(Ladislav Ondrej 饰)穿梭在离别的人群之中,看他们喜乐哀伤诀别亲人、诀别爱人、诀别曾留下足迹的城市。 <br />   父子俩的生活简单质朴,幸福却从未因家庭的不完整而有半点缺失。儿子祈求第二天去父亲的工作场所,谁曾想这却是一个改变很多人一生的约定…… <br />   本片荣获2003年棕榈泉国际短片电影节最佳影片奖、2003美国温馨电影展(HeartLand Film Festival)水晶心奖。

Most is the story of a single father who takes his eight year-old son to work with him at the railroad drawbridge where he is the bridge tender. A day before, the boy meets a woman boarding a train, a drug abuser. At the bridge, the father goes into the engine room, and tells his son to stay at the edge of the nearby lake. A ship comes, and the bridge is lifted. Though it is supposed to arrive an hour later, the train happens to arrive. The son sees this, and tries to warn his father, who is not able to see this. Just as the oncoming train approaches, his son falls into the drawbridge gear works while attempting to lower the bridge, leaving the father with a horrific choice. The father then lowers the bridge, the gears crushing the boy. The people in the train are completely oblivious to the fact a boy died trying to save them, other than the drug addict woman, who happened to look out her train window. The movie ends, with the man wandering a new city, and meets the woman, no longer a drug addict, holding a small baby. Other relevant narratives run in parallel, namely one of the female drug-addict, and they all meet at the climax of this tumultuous film.

此岸,彼岸,多少爱恨生死一瞬。没有人知道这是部基督教电影吗?。生与死,永隔一座桥。纽带飘在生命中。穿过树林,便到了生命的尽头。捷克,哦~捷克。32分钟的生命轮回。《桥》 无关英雄,只有悲喜。。悲伤是教诲,生死是泅渡。“那现在想你的是谁”“…你”。



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