发布时间:2016-10-25 来源:本站编辑
The Seventh Scroll
凯文 康诺 (Kevin Connor)
杰夫·法赫 Jeff Fahey/卡琳娜·隆巴德 Karina Lombard/菲利普·瑞斯 Phillip Rhys/罗伊·沙伊德尔 Roy Scheider/阿特·马里克 Art Malik/瓦莱丽亚·玛里尼 Valeria Marini/埃德蒙·珀道姆 Edmund Purdom
意大利 / 美国
罗兰(卡琳娜·隆巴德 Karina Lombard 饰)和丈夫杜瑞德都是考古学家,对埃及的文化和历史有着极其浓厚的兴趣。某日,两人在尼罗河畔捡到了一个小小的婴儿,善良的夫妻两人决定收养这个可怜的孩子,他们给他取名哈比(杰夫·法赫 Jeff

第七卷轴的剧情介绍,罗兰(卡琳娜·隆巴德 Karina Lombard 饰)和丈夫杜瑞德都是考古学家,对埃及的文化和历史有着极其浓厚的兴趣。某日,两人在尼罗河畔捡到了一个小小的婴儿,善良的夫妻两人决定收养这个可怜的孩子,他们给他取名哈比(杰夫·法赫 Jeff Fahey 饰)。 <br />   之后,夫妻两人又发现了埃及艳后的奴仆泰塔(阿特·马里克 Art Malik 饰)的坟墓,在坟墓里保存着七枚古老的卷轴,而其中第七枚记载着法老墓遗址的卷轴则被撕成了碎片。正当夫妻两人致力于复原卷轴之时,文物大盗格兰特(罗伊·施奈德 Roy Scheider 饰)出现抢走了卷轴并且杀死了格兰特。悲痛的罗兰带着年幼的哈比,决心依靠自己的力量完成丈夫的梦想。

In the year 3000 BC an illegitimate son is born to Queen Lostris and the brave warrior Tanus. Her devoted eunuch Taita, a loyal servant, takes the baby boy and places him in a basket on the Nile. Five thousand years later, during our time, famous archaeologist Duraid al Simma and his wife Royan discover Queen Lostris's grave at the same spot, with ten scrolls inside it resembling a form of diary. The seventh scroll, which contains directions to Mamose's magnificent tomb with the legendary treasure, disappears without trace. Soon afterwards the couple adopt an unusual boy who displays an almost magical urge to be close to the Nile, so they name him after the river god Hapi. It is only ten years later that Taita's secret is almost solved. Fanatical art thief Schiller is also very curious about the information, and tries to track down more with the aid of his sidekick Boris. Whe Duraid dies during a struggle for possession of the scroll, Hapi and his mother turn to Nick Harper, an old acquaintance of Duraid's. Harper, who is an archaeologist with a keen sense of adventure and also a ladies' man, decides to help. The three of them travel to Ethiopia, followed by the greedy collector and his evil sidekick Boris, in order to search for the treasure. Eventually they not only solve Taita's strange riddle but also discover the origin of little Hapi, who meets his real parents Lostris and Tanus in a magic labyrinth...




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  • 第七卷轴_补种
  • 未知
  • 361.6 MB