攻壳机动队2:无罪的剧情介绍,草薙素子之后,巴特与侦探出身的陀古萨结为搭档。近期发生多起机器人偶杀害主人继而自杀的事件,由于受害者家属均无公诉,且死者中有政客与公安官员,于是公安9课派出巴特小组调查此案。杀人人偶皆为荒凉地带公司出品的哈德莉机型,应部分顾客要求,该机型同时具备异性玩伴的功能,巴特从荒凉地带公司出货官遇害入手,卷入与黑帮的战斗,期间有人入侵他的大脑,使其自残。 <br /> 巴特决定直奔荒凉地带总部,他与陀古萨拜访了择捉岛上的黑客基姆,后者布下系统陷阱,幸有素子提出警告避免陀古萨陷入控制。依靠基姆这条线索,巴特登上了荒凉地带公司设立在海上的工厂船,素子再次降临他的身边,与其并肩作战。
Batô is a living cyborg. His whole body, even his arms and legs, are entirely man-made. What only remains are traces of his brain and the memories of a woman. In an era when the boundary between humans and machines has become infinitely vague, Humans have forgotten that they are humans. This is the debauchery of the lonesome ghost of a man, who nevertheless seeks to retain humanity. Innocence... Is what life is.
孤寂的疯狂与相遇的悲伤。有誰注意了那只手?。我眼里的攻壳:伤感与幻境。攻殻Ⅱ中援引的引语。《Ghost in the shell 2:Innocence》台词选。灵肉二元论与永世地狱。巅峰之后,看轻了观众。现实的彼方。人类之罪——无罪?——有罪。。攻殼機動隊 Innocence 看後感。