跨国银行的剧情介绍,规模庞大几乎盘踞全球的跨国银行IBBC在这个钱权主宰的社会里简直无所不能,它不仅操控着各国经济,牵制着政府的决策,甚至参与洗钱、贩卖军火、勒索绑架等各种黑道行动,它就像一只大章鱼将触角伸向黑夜的每个角落。国际刑警路易斯·塞林格(克里夫·欧文 Clive Owen 饰)目睹同事因企图泄露银行机密而遭遇暗杀,他决意受命前往柏林彻查IBBC洗钱内幕,得益于另一位正义者副检察官埃莉诺·惠特曼(娜奥米·沃茨 Naomi Watts 饰)的同行协助,两人很快发现了跨国银行更多鲜为人知的非法活动,甚至包括资助恐怖分子和发动战争。两人决心揭露跨国银行的真实面目,然而,无所不知的IBBC早已注意到这两只蝼蚁,杀手随即派到,路易斯和埃莉诺最终能否赢得这场螳臂当车的生死周璇?
In The International, Interpol Agent Louis Salinger and Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Eleanor Whitman are determined to bring to justice one of the world's most powerful banks. Uncovering illegal activities including money laundering, arms trading, and the destabilization of governments, Salinger and Whitman's investigation takes them from Berlin to Milan to New York and to Istanbul. Finding themselves in a high-stakes chase across the globe, their relentless tenacity puts their own lives at risk as the bank will stop at nothing - even murder - to continue financing terror and war.
《跨国银行》剧情梳理(严重剧透)。《跨国银行》老瓶装新酒 因为他是提克威。Tom Tykwer给我们的德国式大片。大事件和小日子。你相信阴谋吗。本片的真实历史背景。大侠最怕什么样的机关?。分享的分析提示 看着方便。《奴役与反抗的零和游戏》——短评《跨国银行》。英特纳雄耐尔。