发布时间:2016-07-04 来源:本站编辑
El secreto de sus ojos
他们眼中的秘密 / 谜情追凶(港) / 谜样的双眼 / The Secret in Their Eyes
阿根廷 / 西班牙
本杰明·艾斯玻希多(里卡杜·达林 Ricardo Darín 饰)是一名退休的检察官,几十年的司法工作经验让他积攒下诸多素材,而多年前一起奸杀案始终让他念念不忘,他希望将其付梓出版,了却心愿。25年前,23岁的美丽女教师莉莉安娜·科洛托(C

◎导演◎ 胡安·何塞·坎帕内利亚 Juan José Campanella

◎编剧◎ 胡安·何塞·坎帕内利亚 Juan José Campanella/Eduardo Sacheri

◎主演◎ 里卡杜·达林 Ricardo Darín / 索蕾达·维拉米尔 Soledad Villamil / 帕博罗·拉格 Pablo Rago / 哈维尔·戈迪诺 Javier Godino / 古勒莫·法兰塞拉 Guillermo Francella / 何塞·路易斯·加尔西 José Luis Garci / 卡拉·奎沃多 Carla Quevedo

谜一样的双眼的剧情介绍,本杰明·艾斯玻希多(里卡杜·达林 Ricardo Darín 饰)是一名退休的检察官,几十年的司法工作经验让他积攒下诸多素材,而多年前一起奸杀案始终让他念念不忘,他希望将其付梓出版,了却心愿。25年前,23岁的美丽女教师莉莉安娜·科洛托(Carla Quevedo 饰)和银行职员里杜卡·莫拉莱斯(帕博罗·拉格 Pablo Rago 饰)相识相恋,然而就在两人已谈婚论嫁之际,莉莉安娜在公寓被人残忍强暴并杀害。是时司法腐败,为求尽快结案,本杰明的同事甚至随便找个外来移民顶罪。也许是为莉莉安娜死亡现场所震撼,本杰明执着地展开调查,从此卷入这桩扑朔迷离的爱恨疑案之中…… <br />   本片荣获2010年第82届奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片奖;2009年哈瓦那电影节观众奖、最佳男主角奖(Ricardo Darín)、最佳导演奖、最佳音乐奖、评审团特别奖。

In 1999, retired Argentinian federal justice agent Benjamín Espósito is writing a novel, using an old closed case as the source material. That case is the brutal rape and murder of Liliana Coloto. In addition to seeing the extreme grief of the victim's husband Ricardo Morales, Benjamín, his assistant Pablo Sandoval, and newly hired department chief Irene Menéndez-Hastings were personally affected by the case as Benjamín and Pablo tracked the killer, hence the reason why the unsatisfactory ending to the case has always bothered him. Despite the department already having two other suspects, Benjamín and Pablo ultimately were certain that a man named Isidoro Gómez is the real killer. Although he is aware that historical accuracy is not paramount for the novel, the process of revisiting the case is more an issue of closure for him. He tries to speak to the key players in the case, most specifically Irene, who still works in the justice department and who he has always been attracted to but never pursued due to the differences in their ages and social classes. The other issue is that Gómez is still at large, no one aware if he is alive or dead. But as Pablo at the time mentioned that passion is one thing that cannot be changed in behavior, Benjamín learns now that that premise still holds true.

谜一样的故事,终究是为了诉说那眼里藏不住的爱。回忆之囚。谜一样的双眼:向历史深处的探寻。正义的力量。这里是精子库。没有一个人能空虚的度过一生。阿根廷剧情片。薄发厚积罪谜情。闷 并不是重点。是人改变了事,还是事改变了人?。



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