The start of Hanae Ashiya's high school career has not been easy-he has spent all of the first week in the infirmary, and his inexplicable condition is only getting worse. The cause of his torment is the mysterious fuzzy creature that has attached itself to him ever since he stumbled upon it the day before school began. As his health continues to decline and the creature grows in size, Hanae comes across a flyer advertising an exorcist who expels youkai. Desperate and with nothing left to lose, he calls the number and is led to the Mononokean, a tea room which suddenly appears next to the infirmary. A morose-sounding man, Haruitsuki Abeno, reluctantly helps Hanae but demands payment afterward. Much to Hanae's dismay, he cannot afford the fee and must become an employee at the Mononokean to work off his debt. And to make things worse, his new boss is actually one of his classmates. If Hanae ever hopes to settle his debt, he must work together with Abeno to guide a variety of dangerous,...
好久没追番 看得过程居然感觉特别轻松愉快 每集都觉得时间过得很快 画风算不上华丽 人设也不算丑 喜欢隐世的配色想起来多年前怪化猫 纯毛毛球负责卖萌 弥彦负责傲娇 没头脑与不高兴搭档 每集都有小小感动 两人的羁ji绊qing越来越深 最后一集合家欢说不出的感动 跟妖怪打交道就是好反正只要不是人类就行
唉呀呀,喜欢!但其实可以更基情一点嘛,可以来点『我很弱,亲爱的你快来救我』,『我需要你,绝对不会让你离开我』之类的小狗血情节嘛,毕竟我是很能接受 BL 式的狗血的。但两男主都深得我心,小贵子的萌受声线又很迷人所以总体还是不错。可妖怪太少,而且最后莫名的热血情节让人觉得很违和。
声音中透露着富有 作画中透露着贫穷 都是套路但并不讨厌 小太阳和死傲娇还是甚得我心 总之是当基番看还是极愉快 (但是这些妖怪简笔画也太丑了