
真爱至上 2003/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-07-04 来源:本站编辑
Love Actually
真的恋爱了(港) / 爱是您,爱是我(台) / 真情角落 / 真爱 / Love Actually Is All Around
理查德·柯蒂斯 Richard Curtis
休·格兰特 Hugh Grant/柯林·菲尔斯 Colin Firth/艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson/凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley/连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson/托马斯·桑斯特 Thomas Sangster/比尔·奈伊 Bill Nighy/马丁·弗瑞曼 Martin Freeman/劳拉·琳妮 Laura Linney/艾伦·瑞克曼 Alan Rickman/克里斯·马歇尔 Kris Marshall/罗德里格·桑托罗 Rodrigo Santoro/罗温·艾金森 Rowan Atkinson/比利·鲍伯·松顿 Billy Bob Thornton/玛汀·麦古基安 Martine McCutcheon/安德鲁·林肯 Andrew Lincoln/露西娅·莫尼斯 Lúcia Moniz/海克·玛卡琪 Heike Makatsch
2003-09-07(多伦多电影节) / 2003-11-06(美国) / 2003-11-21(英国)
英语 / 葡萄牙语 / 法语
英国 / 美国 / 法国
这是一出10个爱情故事串成的喜剧杂烩: <br />   失去母亲的小男孩终日郁郁寡欢,继父不知该如何安慰。

真爱至上的剧情介绍,这是一出10个爱情故事串成的喜剧杂烩: <br />   失去母亲的小男孩终日郁郁寡欢,继父不知该如何安慰。当他得知继子喜欢上学校里最美的女孩,便热烈地鼓励儿子去追。小男孩为了赢得小女孩的关注,废寝忘食地练习架子鼓,只为了在圣诞节的晚会上能与她同台演出。勇敢的他,甚至为了最后的一记道别潇 洒地突破机场的安检区。 <br />   两个孩子的母亲面对了婚姻危机。丈夫感情出轨,把项链送给了别的女人,给她的,则仅是一张她热爱的女歌手的CD。她找了借口仓皇躲入卧室,在歌声中隐忍啜泣。转个身,又夸张地大笑着,迎向娇女爱子欢喜的面容。 丈夫最终幡然醒悟。 <br />   …… <br />   如此的小故事共有十出,温暖你我的心。

Against the backdrop of aged has-been rock star Billy Mack's Christmas themed comeback cover of "Love Is All Around" which he knows is crap and makes no bones about it much to his manager Joe's chagrin as he promotes the record, several interrelated stories about romantic love and the obstacles to happiness through love for Londoners are presented in the five weeks preceding Christmas. Daniel's wife has just passed away, leaving him to take care of his adolescent stepson Sam by himself. Daniel is uncertain how to deal with Sam and his problems without his wife present, especially in light of a potential budding romance within their household. Juliet and Peter have just gotten married. They believe that Peter's best friend and best man Mark hates Juliet but won't say so to his or her face. Others looking at the situation from the outside believe Mark is jealous of Juliet as he is in love with Peter himself. Jamie, a writer, is taking a writing retreat by himself in rural France following catching his latest girlfriend in an indiscretion. Jamie ends up spending much time in France with Aurélia, the Portuguese woman hired as the housekeeper. The question becomes not only if they can communicate their day-to-day needs with each other as she speaks no English, he speaks no Portuguese, and neither speaks French well, but communicate what seems to be their increasing mutual attraction to each other. Sarah has been in love with her co-worker Karl for the two years they have worked together, this attraction which everyone in their workplace knows about. Sarah has to decide if she can be forward enough to express this love directly to Karl, especially in light of what has been her personal priority of dealing with a family issue. Harry and Karen have been in a stable long term marriage. His new assistant Mia drops hints to him that she would like them to be romantically involved. Harry has to decide whether to fall to the temptation, especially considering being married to a perceptive wife. Single and relatively young David is the newly elected Prime Minister. At 10 Downing Street, he is attracted to one of the new household servants, slightly overweight Natalie, but isn't sure what to do about it seeing as to their respective positions, the probable public scrutiny, and an incident involving the visiting U.S. President. Socially unaware Colin believes that the lack of romantic love in his life is all the fault of standoffish British women. As such, he decides to take decisive albeit somewhat unusual geographic action. And John and Judy are movie body doubles. They can communicate with each other straightforwardly while they are simulating sex filming a movie, but they may not be able to translate the feelings behind that simulation in real life to each other.

&lt;真爱至上&gt;中可爱的明星们。请在圣诞给我温暖。亲爱的,真爱至上。。Love Actually is All Around。Did I mention I love you。真的没人想吐槽一下《真爱至上》里的性别观念吗?。关于影片的删节 我的大马哈鱼。迷人的爱情骗局。爱无处不在。并不如想象和评论中好!。



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