
同志亦凡人 第五季 2005/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-07-04 来源:本站编辑
Queer as Folk
同志亦常人 第五季 / 男版欲望都市 第五季 / 美版同志亦凡人 第五季
查尔斯·麦克道格尔Charles McDougall/莎拉·哈丁Sarah Harding
美国 / 加拿大

同志亦凡人 第五季的剧情介绍,

Brian forbids Mikey to tell Justin how much he misses them and plans a surprise visit, then hears work for the Rage movie will take three, four months longer, so he drops the plan and tells Mikey he doesn't expect his lover back at all. Justin is actually knee-deep in naked hunks at a Hollywood pool party. When Debbie and Carl return home, they are treated to Emmett's nude live action show with Shawn, legs-up. The one-day-married men find Hunter at their neighbors' rave, rather then studying, Ben considers moving to a quieter quarter. Ted shows Brian amazingly good financial results for Kinnetics' first year and suggests an extravagant self-treat. Brett Keller has casted Rage- to Justin's surprise, his officially 'straight' mate Connor James, who actually jumps straight back into Justin's horny hole. At the surprise party for ten years Mel and Lin, Emmett tells Debbie it's time to move out, even if she wants him to stay, then the lesbians confess they are separated since their daughter's birth, Mikey is disgusted, disappointed Brian didn't tell, and hence ready to move. Just now Brian needs his hunting ground most, the police closes down Babylon because of Sapperstein's malefactions, which actually solves another problem. Brett has terrible news too...

Everybody is a critic。这个结局并不虐。DO YOU GUYS REALLY THINK JUSTIN IS GOING AWAY FROM BRIAN?。爱是成全。fXck all homophobia---after QAF。Justin——让人动容的爱与成长。【结局】关于结局,编剧已经做出了结局是HE的肯定回答。live fast die young。分别从不代表结束。Despite what happens。



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同志亦凡人 第五季
  • 同志亦凡人.Queer.as.Folk.S05E02.Chi_Eng.DVDRip.1024X576.AC3.x264-YYeTs人人影视.mkvHR-HDTV
  • 未知
  • 0.54 G

当我含泪看完最后的一集 这一切就将成为我心中永远的经典 不愿再评论结局怎样 我以为最深的爱是为对方放弃一切 才突然发现最深的爱其实是不让对方为自己放弃一切 一生有太多的遗憾 却也太幸运 因为有你 陪我一段最好的时光 幸福来得很慢 不合时宜 可是我们以为它逝去了 却不知道它一直都在 BJforever
结局的设置有些莫名和不尽人意~ 走到今天5年的时间换来的还是不值得有这样的结局 不过最后看到brian还是一直爱着迈克的 心里颇感安慰 虽然有诸多的遗憾 但这就是生活啊
